Welcome to SIDEREAL’s SMEI H2020 Project Site (Ended)

The Horizon 2020 SME Instrument offers Europe’s brightest and boldest entrepreneurs the chance to step forward and request funding for breakthrough ideas with the potential to create entirely new markets or revolutionize existing ones.

Out of 1,658 proposals submitted from Europe, SIDEREAL is one of the sixty-three organizations (the only one from Belgium) receiving this funding.


Founded in 2016, SIDEREAL pioneered using drones and aerial data in the solar and construction industry to provide new insights that could not be gathered from the ground. By combining our experience in both industries, we introduced the concept of a digital twin across the entire lifecycle of a solar site, from engineering to construction and onwards to operations.

SIDEREAL continues to establish itself in the Aerial Data Analytics industry and is used by some of the world’s Fortune 100, 500, and 1000 companies, such as Vinci, Engie, Bouygues, and Orix, among others. Within the Energy, Mining, Agriculture, and Construction industries, SIDEREAL has helped its customers reduce and streamline costs, avoid project delays, and manage large portfolio projects across the entire life cycle of the site.

About SME Instrument Horizon 2020 Project

Simplifying Aerial Intelligence

Before the commencement of the H2020 SME project DroneGrid (aka SIDEREAL since May 2018) was already in discussions with some of Europes leading enterprises within Construction (Roads and Bridges), Energy (Solar and Wind), and Mining (Equipment Inspections and Open Pit Mining).

Trial projects were planned throughout the development and commercialization phase of the SIDEREAL solution over a 24-month project period. This was done primarily to ensure high product/partner satisfaction and strong overall product/industry fit. Another reason for performing projects over multiple test sites in different locations was to ensure adequate data was being gathered to train the machine learning algorithms during the course of the H2020 SME project.

The funding will go towards establishing a local presence in markets like India, Japan, Australia, and the US. These countries are becoming some of SIDEREAL’s key markets outside of Europe. Additionally, our team in Europe will welcome an additional 8 to 10 new talented individuals to our already growing team to further support the company’s new ambitions.

About SME Instrument

The EIC Accelerator (SME Instrument) is a public funding program that funds risk innovation in small businesses. It supports market-creating innovation in disruptive small businesses with significant growth potential and global ambitions. The EIC Accelerato (SME Instrument) is part of Horizon 2020, the EU’s 80 billion funding program for Research and Innovation for 2014-2020.

Only the most innovative companies get selected. Out of over 50,000 applicants, 4,500 companies were funded. This shows how intense the competition is under the program and demonstrates the high quality of the proposals funded. 25% of the companies funded under the EIC SME Instrument are in the 10% fastest growing companies in Europe, according to Venture Radar.

Companies receive up to 2.5 million to bring their innovation to the market, free coaching, and support in commercialization like facilitated access to overseas trade fairs.

Events 2019

  • Solar Asset Management North America – March
  • UAV Expo Amsterdam – April
  • Solar Asset Management Japan – May
  • Intersolar Germany – June
  • Solar Asset Management Australia – July
  • Intergeo Germany – September
  • Solar Power International – September
  • UK Construction week – October

Events in 2020

  • Making Solar Bankable Amsterdam – February 2020
  • PV Operations Europe – March 2020
  • ConExpo – February
  • Solar Asset Management Europe (Virtual) – November
  • Solar Asset Management Australia (Virtual) – November
  • Solar Market Parity Spain (Virtual) – December

About Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 is the most extensive EU Research and Innovation program ever, with nearly €80 billion of funding available over seven years (2014 to 2020) and the private investment that this money will attract. It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries, and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market.https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/

This project has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 829384