In this article you will learn the different properties from your solar site.
Having the site properties filled out and keeping them up-to-date will help you to get accurate analysis results. SIDEREAL Fuse will ask you to fill out the solar site properties each time when you create a new site. Or you can always change any property from the site overview page by clicking on the edit button highlighted in the example below.

A solar site will have the following properties:
Currency - Your local monetary unit, such as the dollar, euro or pound. This property can also be extracted from the Feed in tariff property, when this one is filled out.
Peak Power - The total rated direct current (DC) capacity of your entire solar site in MegaWatt peak (MWp).
Number of Panels - The total number of solar modules on your solar site.
Panel inclination - The inclination or angle of the solar panel related to the horizontal plane to maximise its exposure to direct sunlight. Sometimes also referred to as panel tilt. The unit is degrees. A zero degree panel tilt means that the face of the panel is aimed directly overhead. A positive tilt angle means that the panel faces more towards the equator. In the northern hemisphere that would mean tilting so it faces towards the South. For more information about panel tilt, please visit this website.
Panel orientation - The direction of the solar panel where the convention is 0° = facing North. In the northern hemisphere, the general rule for solar panel orientation is south, which means an orientation of 180°.
Panel Brands & Models - The brand and model of the solar panel used on site. If you have 2 types of panels, you can add a secondary type.
Inverter Brands & Models - The brand and model of the inverter used on the site. If you have 2 types of inverters on the site you can add a secondary type.
Feed in tariff - The money that is paid by the government for renewable energy. This is a fee your receive as a power producer for 1 kWh of solar energy that goes back into the grid.
Photovoltaic power potential (PVOUT) - Yearly average of potential photovoltaic electricity production. If you don't have access to this information for your site, please have a look at this website. On this website, you can click on any place on the map and you'll get the PVOUT in kWh/kWp in the table on the right hand side.
Panel Maximum Power (Pmax) - The maximum electrical power of a solar panel under these conditions: temperature = 20 degrees Celsius, irradiance received = 1000 W / m². Sometimes also referred to as peak power and is shown in Watt (W). Typically the Pmax is between 200 and 350 Watt.
Technician Hourly Rate: The hourly cost of a technician to work on your solar site.
Gardening/Cleaning Hourly Rate: The hourly cost of a gardening or cleaning crew.
Replacement Panel Cost: The cost for the replacement of the solar panel in €/W, excluding the technician cost.