Improved Coordinate Reference System (CRS) Support

SIDEREAL already supported GCP's in custom coordinate reference systems, and allowed to download raw processed data in those CRS as well. But data such as the DEM and point cloud, and all of the measurements made on them, were visualised in the platform in WGS84.

From now on, all data in the platform will be visualised in the coordinate reference system of the operation. The coordinate system of the operation now has to match the coordinate system of the GCP's.

Some important remarks

  • The CRS of the operation has to match the CRS of the ground control points. The CRS of the ground control points will now define the CRS of the outputs in the platform.

  • WGS84 output downloads will no longer be available for operations with a custom CRS

  • Support is currently limited to metric CRS only. Support for imperial coordinate reference systems is coming up in the future

Previously processed operations will not be affected and will remain visualised in WGS84.

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