The Solar Site As-Built Data Product helps you to build a highly detailed, accurate as-built of your solar site. This as-built can be used as an input for a Solar Inspection Essential or Pro, in case you have no proper as-built available. Should you be in doubt, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.
In case you don't have a PDF or a DXF as-built file from your site, you need to use this data product to generate a high quality as-built plan of your site. Some advantages include:
High quality RGB base map that can be used for navigation and more accurate localisation of panels on the site.
Use the digital elevation model to plan more accurate inspection flights following the terrain of your site.
Only needs to be captured once and can be used for the entire lifetime of your site.

What do I get?
This data product outputs the following layers:
RGB Orthomosaic (downsampled at 2.5cm GSD)
Digital Surface Model (DSM)
This data product does not include 3D models or point clouds.
On completion of the operation, the RGB orthomosaic layer of this data product will automatically be copied as an overlay on the site it was ordered on. This way it can be used as an as-built for other operations such as Solar Inspection Essential or Pro.
What data should I provide?
For the detailed requirements of the input data, check out this article
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I also receive a PDF as-built or CAD drawing?
No, this data product will only deliver a visual orthomosaic
What if I upload photos at a lower GSD?
This data product will process and downsample any output at 2.5cm GSD, so there is no benefit in uploading higher resolution photos (lower GSD). If you upload 1cm GSD photos, your output data will be 2.5cm GSD
Can I upload photos at a higher GSD?
Yes, you can upload photos at higher GSD to make your flight time more effective. We put the recommended at 2.5 cm because the maximum legal flight height is usually being reached at this point.