Whether you're a surveyor looking to export a processed point cloud or a data analyst looking to extract the details of the thermal anomalies identified on a solar site, the SIDEREAL Fuse platform offers you different methods to export the data and analytics. This article will show you the different methods available to you, as a user of the platform.


Once your operation has been completed you will be able to access the results of the operation and the export options available on the platform. You will find the Export function in the top left of your screen, after opening the result of the operation.

Exporting a report

Exporting a report is available for all data products on the SIDEREAL Fuse platform.

When exporting a report you will have a number of options on how to customise your report. For example, you can

  • include annotations, which means that you add any annotations that have been made to the report, for example the volume measurements, or

  • include thermal anomalies, which means that you add each thermal anomaly in a page by page breakdown to your report. Each page will contain the RGB & the thermal photo of the identified anomaly and a table containing all of the properties for that specific anomaly (eg Delta temperature, Loss estimation etc). 💡 Thermal anomalies are only available in the Solar Inspection Pro or Essential data products.


It is also possible to include additional information added by the user to your report, such as solar panel or string references and much more. You can enter that extra information by editing that specific anomaly from the thermal anomalies layer in the 2D view on SIDEREAL Fuse platform.

By clicking on the settings for thermal anomalies you can choose to include or exclude certain properties from the report.

  • Selecting Apply filters will allow you to create different custom reports that will use the active filters you have selected in the 2D view of your operation result. For example if you want to only see the hotspots with a delta temperature greater than 25℃ you could set that as an active filter and then the report would only contain those specific anomalies fitting those filter settings.

Using the share link feature will allow you to share the results of an operation to someone who does not have a user account on your platform. By sending this link to that external people, they will have view only access to the results of that specific operation. They can see the interactive layers in the 2D view, they can use the Filter option, they can create a report or download the data layers, but they will not be able to edit any of the data or make any measurement or annotation.

You can also apply filters to your share links in order to provide a specific view of the data. You can use your saved filters to quickly share certain parts of your analysis, utilising multiple share links to share your findings.

Want to learn more about saving filters? Check out this article.

Layer Downloads

Depending on the data product for the operation, the layer export feature allows you to export different data layers from the platform in a multitude of formats.

In the Layer Downloads menu, you can choose which data layer you would like to export as well as customising the data to be exported.

More information on exporting data and the formats it can be exported in can be found here.


SIDEREAL established a seamless integration with Fulcrum's field application. The Field App is the outcome of the software integration with the mobile field solution from Fulcrum. SIDEREAL Fuse platform allows you to export the thermal anomalies of a Solar Inspection Pro or Essential product.

In fact, you will be able to send the filtered anomalies from the platform to the mobile app, so that the field technician does not need any pen and paper anymore. They can easily locate themselves on-site, navigate to the specific solar panel anomaly and add relevant data to the digital records, while being on site.

When you are interested in start using the Field App integration, please go through the Field App Setup article.

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