Video Guide
Step-by-Step Guide PDF
Select a site from your site overview.
On the site page, look for the button "Manage Overlays" near the top of the page.
After clicking it, you will see the overlay manager. Here you can view, delete, edit and add different site plans.
To add a new overlay, click the green button "Add Overlay" in the upper right corner.
To upload the overlay, either drag and drop the PDF plan into the left side of the window or click on "Upload File". The document will appear in the browser. If the plan you need is not on the first page of the PDF you can go through the pages using the page box at the bottom.
Click on two distinctive points on your PDF. For the best results, pick points as far away from each other as possible. These will be numbered "1" and "2" and can be dragged around to adjust the fit.
Now click on the same exact points, in the same order, on the map. The overlay will appear on the map on the right after selecting the second point.
Check to make sure the overlay fits correctly on the satellite image as it may need some small adjustments, in which case you can you can adjust the points as you did before.
In the final step, you can enter a name for the overlay and click save.
Step-by-Step Guide DXF
Select a site from your site overview.
On the site page, look for the button "Manage Overlays" near the top of the page.
After clicking it, you will see the overlay manager. Here you can view, delete, edit and add different site plans.
To add a new overlay, click the green button "Add Overlay" in the upper right corner.
To upload the overlay, either drag and drop the DXF plan into the left side of the window or click on "Upload File". The document will appear in the browser.
Next you will have to choose the ESPG code that the file was created in. If you are unsure the process can be a little tricky but you can try this helpful website to try and see which EPSG codes there are for your country:
Once you have selected the EPSG code for your file you can name is and click upload.
DXF overlay requirements
The CAD drawing should be georeferenced as the EPSG needs to be provided on upload to the platform.
The CAD file cannot contain any blocks. If the panels/banks are in the drawing as a block then they need to be exploded into polylines. The platform does not support blocks.
Xrefs are not supported. Any Xrefs should be inserted in to the main CAD file.
There can be no hatches in the CAD file. The platform cannot display hatches.
The drawing should be purged before saving to remove un-required layers.
The CAD file needs to be provided as a DXF 2010 version.
The DXF should be <500MB.
At the moment text is not supported. Therefore any text within the DXF will not be displayed on the platform.