The benefits of Regions in SIDEREAL Fuse
The Regions feature in SIDEREAL Fuse platform helps to analyse and interpret the inspection results. By dividing large areas into smaller regions, the user will be able to customise the data insights according to their own needs. For example, by defining some regions the user is able to add a custom label to certain anomalies within certain regions. And also annotations in a specific region will get the region label in the property list.

Once they have added regions to their site, regions will give you a lot of benefits:
SIDEREAL Fuse will use the regions to calculate the site statistics per region.
SIDEREAL Fuse will show the specific region from a certain thermal anomaly in the properties list.
SIDEREAL Fuse will allow you to filter the result based on a region.
SIDEREAL Fuse will show the regions in the PDF and CSV export.
Region Manager in SIDEREAL Fuse
From the moment you have created a site in SIDEREAL Fuse, you can add regions to your site. Also if you do not have a completed operation yet, you can access the Region Manager by opening the site and click Manage Regions, as we show in the print screen below.

When you have a completed operation and you are currently looking at the results from that operation, you can access the Region Manager via Manage site and choose Regions, as we show in the print screen below.

Next, you will arrive in the region manager. In the Region Manager you can view, add, edit and delete different regions on your site.
Create a Region in SIDEREAL Fuse
Define region types
First you will define one or more region types.
Click Edit region types at the bottom of the page to create or delete a region type. You can also change the name from a region type. Each new site on SIDEREAL Fuse will get by default three region types: Zone, Area, String.

You can change the default regions at any moment in time. For example, we keep the first region Zone, but we rename the second region Row. And we delete the third default region, because in our example we don't need it. We click Save. This is what we get.

Create the region
You can add specific areas of interest to the region types. There are two options to add these areas. First option is to draw the areas yourself.
Click on Start Drawing. You will now be able to draw the area on the map.
Click on the map to mark a corner from the polygon on the map.
Double-click when arriving at your last point, the platform will automatically close the polygon.
Enter a name for the region and click the green checkbox.
If you need more areas in this region type, you can repeat the steps above.
Click Stop Drawing.
👍 Good job, your first region is a fact!

💡 You will be able to adjust the area by moving the white corner points to the desired location or by adding more corner points by clicking somewhere on the connecting lines from the polygon.
💡If you need more areas in this region type, you can repeat the steps above.
💡 If you need to remove a point you can press shift and click on the point you wish to delete
Once you have added the areas of interest to the region types, you can save everything by pressing Done. By using the coloured eye-icon in front of every region type, you can show or hide that region type on the map.
Second option is import the areas as KML file. If you already have existing documentation on your areas, you can upload a KML file of the area of interest. Click the File Import icon and the Create regions from file will open, as the print screen below also shows.

Select or drag&drop the KML file into the pop-up window. You can import several KML files at the same time. The platform will read the KML file and will recognise how many regions (polygons) are in the KML file. Click Create x Regions.
💡 Important to mention is that SIDEREAL Fuse will only accept KML files, no KMZ files. And the KML file should contain polygon objects. SIDEREAL Fuse will not accept any other objects in the KML, like for example a point or a polyline.
💡 If you don't know how to generate a KML file, please check this article first.
Once you have added the areas of interest to the region types, you can save everything by pressing Done. By using the coloured eye-icon in front of every region type, you can show or hide that region type on the map.
Advantages of the Regions in SIDEREAL Fuse
SIDEREAL Fuse provides several advantages of using regions for your data analysis. There are different locations on the platform where you can benefit from the regions you have created.
First of all, SIDEREAL Fuse will show the regions as a separate layer in the 2D viewer, so that you can visualise the regions on the map when analysing the inspection result. Everyone in your team can now visualise the regions and analyse the data using the interactive 2D map view in SIDEREAL Fuse.

By setting up your own regions on your site, you structure your results in a visual and a geographical way that is so easy to interpret and to analyse by everyone in your team. A key advantage of this structure is that you can use it with the field app integration or with your monitoring system.
Another very interesting advantage is that you can filter your result based on the region. You can select one or more regions to focus on during your data analysis. And you can save this filter to be used when analysing the statistics or when exporting the report.

The 🌟 most interesting advantage 🌟 of using regions is the statistics view. SIDEREAL Fuse will show all inspection details per region. This will help you to get better and faster insights on your site.